Do you need a plumber? How do you know that the one you pick is likely to provide a good service for an affordable price?
What proof is there that they have the relevant experience and qualifications to do the work you need correctly? What about insurance?
If you haven’t used a local plumber recently, working out who to call can be a challenge. As experienced, highly regarded plumbers in Coffs Harbour South, the team at Carrick Plumbing & Roofing has a good idea of what makes a great plumber.
Read on to discover what you should look for when hiring a plumber to boost your chances of ending up with a skilled tradie who can get the job done quickly and to a high standard, all for a fair price.
To carry out plumbing work of any type in NSW, a plumber needs to be licensed by the Fair Trading Department. There are several different types of certification available.
To contract and advertise for work, a plumber needs a contractor license. Other types of license include a qualified supervisor license, an endorsed contractor license and a tradesperson certificate.
License holders can only work on the jobs included in their license. There are separate certification requirements for plumbing, water plumbing, water plumbing (fire protection systems), water plumbing (fire sprinkler systems), water plumbing (urban irrigation), draining work, gasfitting work, LP gasfitting work and advanced LP gasfitting work.
You should check your chosen plumber is correctly certified before asking them to quote for your job.
It’s usually helpful to know if you’re dealing with a plumber who’s self-employed / a sole trader or one that’s an employee of a company. Both can do equally good work, but an employee is likely to have more backup.
If you’re looking for 24-hour emergency callouts, for example, a company is more likely to have the manpower to operate this service.
Ideally, plumbers should carry public liability insurance. This covers them should their activities cause damage to a member of the public or to the property of a member of the public.
Additional insurance is often taken out to cover the company in the event that an error or weakness in their work causes some sort of problem further down the line.
Using an unlicensed plumber puts you at risk. Reputable trades make sure that they’ve got the right insurances in place to protect themselves and their customers. If they can’t give you details of their insurance, it raises the question of what other corners they’re cutting in terms of service provision – why risk it?
An insured plumber gives you this peace of mind.
Whilst most plumbers can handle straightforward plumbing work, some jobs may require specialist skills.
If you have an unusual plumbing job, it’s worth checking that the plumber has the experience and equipment required to complete it successfully.
In addition, the more times a plumber has completed a particular job, the more likely they are to complete it to a high standard.
There is another aspect to using an experienced plumber – if they’re still in business after several years of trading, it’s probably because they’re good at what they do!
Although there are brilliant plumbers doing their thing right the way across NSW, if you’re located in Coffs Harbour South or the surrounding area, it’s sensible to look for a local plumber.
Not only will they be able to attend punctually to complete scheduled work, but they’re also more likely to offer a prompt, 24-hour service.
Remember that some plumbers charge from the time they set off on a visit. A local plumber will be cheaper to use than one that’s a fair distance away.
It’s also worth remembering that local plumber will already have a local reputation. Many of our customers hear about us via word-of-mouth from friends or neighbours who’ve been more than happy with our work.
One of the advantages of the internet is that it’s easy to gain information on local companies simply by Googling what other people say about them.
A company that’s worth doing business with will usually have a string of good reviews. Reading what others say can give you a good insight into what to expect, as well as an idea of the type of work the company regularly completes.
Is the site up-to-date and full of the sort of information you need to know? Are their contact details up to date, and the license number clearly displayed?
If you answer ‘yes’ to these questions you’re likely looking at quality professional plumbers.
If you’re looking for local, professional plumbers that you can trust in Coffs Harbour South, get in touch with our team today.
Your premier destination for plumbing and roofing solutions.
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