When you are having issues with your plumbing in Coffs Harbour, it can definitely be tempting to attempt to fix it yourself. Online tutorials, in particular, can make anything seem like a straightforward fix.
This is fine for easy jobs such as plunging or resolving simple clogs, but more complex issues need to be left to professional plumbers as they carry far too many risks to do yourself.
It may also end up costing you more in the long run as well. So here are a few reasons why you should definitely leave emergency plumbing in Coffs Harbour to the experts who know exactly what they are doing and have the experience to get the job done right the first time.
If you’re undertaking DIY plumbing and end up damaging a pipe in any way, then this could lead to more time and money spent than you would have otherwise saved.
It might surprise you to learn that plumbers spend up to five years learning their trade before they get to work, and much of this involves making sure that an easily avoidable mistake does not happen on the job.
Without this training and this knowledge, you are at quite a disadvantage when trying to do this work. If you end up making a wrong move, you could end up disrupting your own water supply or causing a small flood.
We have all used an online guide to solve a problem at one point or another, and we take comfort in the fact that they are usually written by people with a suitable level of experience in the issue they try to solve.
It is, however, worth noting that these guides are not completely accurate every time. Your plumbing setup may be completely different to what the writer was working with when they solved their issue, for example.
In addition to this, the writer could make a mistake in their guide, and any mistake in the procedure could be a risk at best, and a devastating accident at worst.
A complex repair requires far more knowledge and experience to fix – it will need a professional to get it done right.
Depending on which state you’re in, your DIY plumbing could even be illegal. In Victoria, anything above the most basic work (more complex than replacing a tap head) could result in thousands of dollars in fines.
It is a similar story in New South Wales, where the Plumbing and Drainage Act of 2011 says only authorised people can conduct complex plumbing work in the home.
Of course, you might be confident that nobody will be able to tell it was a DIY job – but if it all goes wrong, you will have to deal with the costs of the damage as well as the cost of the fine.
This fine is in place for a reason – to deter DIY plumbing work that could damage your property or cause an accident that could hurt you or others.
If you need plumbing work completed or an issue fixed on your property, then you really shouldn’t risk a DIY job.
At Carrick Plumbing Coffs, our dedicated team has the technology, the skills, and the experience to help you with all your plumbing needs in Coffs Harbour and beyond. Get in touch with us to discuss your needs and we will use our years of experience to fix whatever plumbing issues you are having as soon as possible.
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